
MCF has earned a reputation as a trusted advocate for mission critical operators

Our Areas of Expretise

Water and Waste Water


IT Infrastructure

About MCF

Currently partnered with the largest rehabilitation prime contracting firms in the market, MCF will concentrate on leveraging emerging technologies and creating a North American network of professional services firms to address the growing challenge while conducting research and development to improve both the process and the material required to line, repair, and rehabilitate wastewater systems across North America.

MCF endeavours to be a leading critical infrastructure services firm, specializing in strategic advisory, engineering, and a design provider of critical infrastructure solutions to the private and public sector. Our initial focus is on the mission critical systems of water/wastewater, energy, and digital infrastructure resilience.

The New Opportunity

The U.S. is investing more than 1 trillion dollars from the recent Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) to create greater resiliency and security.

Coupled with thousands of mature critical infrastructure Service providers with solid performance histories with substantial backlogs but lack:

  • Critical scale
  • Government/commercial sales channels
  • Succession planning
  • Multi-industry solutions

Creates an opportunity for a unified and efficient critical infrastructure solution provider that streamlines operations, standardizes processes, and fosters collaboration, to maximize market impact and profitability

MCF is comprised of business operators who already provide essential services to their customers and understand what it takes to sustain and grow.
